CBD Oil For Dogs: 6 Ways To Not Get Ripped Off

CBD Oil For Dogs: 6 Ways To Not Get Ripped Off - Hemp Well

There are many products on the market that claim to be CBD oil for dogs, but not all of them are created equal or actually CBD oil. It's important to do your research before purchasing CBD oil for your dog, as there are a few ways that companies rip customers off.

Here are six ways to make sure you're not getting ripped off when buying CBD oil for your dog:

1. Make sure the product contains CBD.

Some companies will sell products that claim to be CBD oil, but don't actually contain any CBD. Or, more often consumers will mistake hempseed oil with CBD. Hempseed oil and powder are a great source of health, and is included in our line of products and widely available at Amazon. When Hemp Well products do have CBD present it is clearly represented on the front, back or side of the packaging. Cannabidiol is listed as an active ingredient. Look for clarity when reading any supplement packaging.

Understand the endocannabinoid system and know that a little goes a long way with dogs.

2.Research the brand

There are a lot of brands selling CBD oil for dogs, but not all of them are created equal. It's important to do your research and make sure you're getting a quality product from a reputable brand.

Is the product just sold on the internet? If established retailers also sell the brand it helps to know the company was approved by respected retailers, buyers, and their lawyers. Hemp Well is trusted by thousands of pet supply retailers.

Internet reviews can be helpful but understanding more about a company and if they have a physical location is important.

3. Get a product with a money-back guarantee

When you're spending money on CBD oil for your dog, you want to make sure you're getting a product that works. Local pet supply retailers will often make guarantees to their loyal customers, especially when trying a product for the first time. Or they may offer trial packs at a lower price.

Many websites offer money back guarantees as well. Even if the company does not offer no questions asked refunds, that does not mean their product is bad. The reputation of the Brand and quality are more important.

4. Make sure the oil is high quality and tested

When it comes to CBD oil, you want to make sure you're getting a high quality product. Make sure the CBD oil is third-party tested. This means that an independent lab has tested the oil and verified that it contains the amount of CBD that the company claims and tested for bacteria and other bad things.

Be sure to read the label carefully and only buy from a company that you trust. Supplement manufacturers for pets that have undergone inspections and full certification from the National Animal Supplement Council are the most scrutinized and trusted in the pet supplement industry. Look for the Yellow NASC Quality Seal.

5. Check out the company's customer service

When it comes to buying CBD oil for your dog, it's important to do your research and make sure you're getting a quality product from a reputable company. One way to do this is to check out the company's customer service. A good customer service team should be responsive, knowledgeable, and helpful. If you're not getting good vibes from the customer service team, it's probably not a company you want to do business with.

CBD is a new industry and as leaders of a new industry manufacturers need to be educators. With that said, market restraints have stretched companies very thin. If you do not get a live person the first call, don't dismiss the company. However, many companies online do not even have a phone number available. This may be a red flag.

6. Look for a company that uses organic, non-GMO hemp.

Why not? Organic just makes sense.

A good company will have a solid reputation and will stand behind their products. Consider the points above and make sure to do your research before buying CBD oil for your dog(s). There are a lot of scams out there.

The most important advice: CBD is not a cure or even an approved drug. Before starting any supplement, like CBD with your pet, discuss first with your veterinarian.